Meet Mikal Vega
The story behind Vital Warrior
Founder and CEO, Mikal Vega, is a Navy SEAL(Ret) and a 22-year combat veteran. He has personally walked the tough road from trauma to recovery after suffering a combat-related injury from an exploded IED that went untreated for many years. Mikal only realized the extent of his injuries year later when he struggled in his daily life and in his personal relationships as a result of both physical injury and a disconnection from purpose. Through a series of healing modalities that became the basis of his recovery, Mikal realized he could help his fellow veterans and their families with this unique system of recovery.
Through Mikal’s discovery and self-learning he has been able to overcome PTSS -Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) to enhance his life, his goals and his dreams. Mikal currently pursues his lifelong dream to act and since his retirement and treatment has been in many blockbuster titles such as Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, G.I. Joe Retaliation where Mikal plays an Arch Angel in this new and improved sequel.

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Mikal Vega, a man of many accomplishments who has earned a substantial number of different titles. A Navy SEAL, EOD (explosive ordnance disposal), Actor, Director, Producer, Screen Writer, CEO of Vital Warrior, and Master of Self Awareness, just to cover a few. We cover his childhood, his military time both as an EOD Tech, and an Operator at SEAL Team 8, his transition into civilian life, and finally his current career both in Hollywood and Directing for Activision’s Call of Duty franchise.

Borne the Battle PodcastLaunched in late 2016, the Department of Veterans Affairs weekly podcast is a part of its ongoing effort to engage and reach out to Veterans.
Mikal Vega is an accomplished actor, Kundalini Yoga teacher and founder of the nonprofit, Vital Warrior. In this episode of Borne the Battle, Vega discusses his struggle with military transition, seeking treatment for his PTSD, discovering alternative therapies, and establishing a non-profit to share what he has learned.
Continued Service
Every year during the summer, a team of U.S. Navy SEALs are joined by fellow veterans and military supporters in a swim across the Hudson River to honor our military veterans, their families, and all of those who died during 9/11 and the wars that followed that fateful day. Along the route, the SEALs stop at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to perform 100 push ups in honor of America’s liberties, and 22 pull ups in recognition of 22 veterans who commit suicide every day. The event concludes in lower Manhattan to honor the victims of 9/11 and all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country in the wars that followed.
The 2018 Variety Salute to Service event held in partnership with National Geographic, is a celebration of the notable efforts and contributions by various individuals in military services and related organizations. Mikal presented Heche and Tabbal, with their award at the Jan. 11 event, says, “when Dean Georgaris pitched it (The Brave), I became interested because he wanted to do something that was realistic. Creative license is taken with certain aspects, but the plot-lines are real-world relevant, and there’s a level of honesty in the show’s depiction of the men and women who serve our country.”
On February 1, 2014, Mikal Vega was among four recipients of the 2014 CCHR Human Rights Award. Mikal was recognized by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, based out of Los Angeles, CA, for his work in offering non-pharmaceutical alternative healing methods. Mikal is proud to have been recognized for his efforts to help his fellow Veterans through Vital Warrior’s modalities.